As the coronavirus still ravages countries and economies for well more than a year now, many people are turning towards a healthier lifestyle often including the use of organic, all-natural products to improve their fitness and health. Another industry that’s booming of late is the mental wellness market simply because more and more people have come to realize the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing.
Another reason for this sudden boom in the mental wellness industry is the fact that the insidious global pandemic has resulted in millions of consumers turning towards mental wellness products than ever before.
Functional mushrooms have also been known for their ability to boost mental function such as memory and concentration, apart from their ability to treat stress and depression. In recent months, there have been an array of mental health products that have flooded the markets, partly due to the increase in demand for mental wellness products containing CBD and functional mushrooms—turkey tail, chaga, cordyceps and more.
As of now, the mental wellness industry worldwide is worth a whopping $120 billion, and according to experts, these numbers are exponentially rising every month.
According to reports, the demand for mental wellness products is going to increase, considering the current state of affairs globally. COVID-19 has, of course, been the overwhelming driver in the sharp rise in cases of stress, burnout and depression. Accordingly, the result has been an unprecedented boon to the mental health industry as business is going through the roof. As of now, the mental wellness industry worldwide is worth a whopping $120 billion, and according to experts, these numbers are exponentially rising every month.
Many companies in the CBD and hemp industry are experiencing marked growth over the past year resulting in a growing number of people turning to CBD, hemp and functional mushrooms in their products to de-stress and improve their mental health and focus.
One of the reasons why the market of functional mushrooms has experienced incredible growth recently is mainly because an increasing number of folks are turning towards non-clinical treatments for stress, depression, and anxiety that has been brought on by this recent pandemic. As people deal with the many challenges of the pandemic, you can bet your bottom dollar that the global market for functional mushrooms and other psychedelics is going to rise exponentially.
So as gigantic as $120 Billion seems to be, it just, in fact, be the very tip of a colossally profitable iceberg in the area of mental wellness. Certainly, functional mushroom brands stand at the ready to capitalize and help heal a hurting global populace.